Canopy Newsletter 5 - September 2017
SEPTEMBER 20, 2017
An update on some new features that have been included in Canopy.
Setup Sheet Download
By using the filters on parameter names in Edit Car you can now save a template for a setup sheet and export it using the CSV button:

Maximum Speed for Electric Motors
Previously, to put a limit on motor speed required dragging the motor torque curve down to equate torque and car drag at the desired maximum motor speed… a rather messy process and one which gave the solver a hard time and may have resulted in longer simulation run times.
It is now recommended to replace this with a maximum motor speed instead:

Exhaust Momentum
For cars with an ICE, the polynomial terms in your aeromap can now take advantage of exhaust momentum effects by inserting the term rExhaustMomentumRatio after defining the FExhaustThrustTable:

Battery Internal Resistance, State of Charge Tracking
In case you want to run with a thermal powertrain, the heat rejection from the battery is calculated from the storage efficiency. Previously this could be done from a lookup of TBattery and storage efficiency. A new option has been added: “Internal Resistance Model”.
This allows us to define voltage as a function of state of charge, which in turn allows us to calculate I2R losses from the battery internal resistance.
We then enter our battery capacity, initial and final state of charge and press Commit!

Diff Upgrade
There are two stages to the diff:
At low differential speed there is viscous (quadratic) torque behaviour. We consider this to be a passable approximation to the actual stick/slip behaviour of clutch plates. The ‘stiffness’ of the viscous behaviour varies linearly with the requested saturation torque, to reflect the lower rates of slip as diff pressure increases.
At high differential speed, saturation occurs at MDiffDemand as specified in the diff map, with an example shown below:

Thermal Tyre Model
It requires a heavy compute pool to run it, but we can now solve for the 250,000 unknowns required for an optimal Dynamic Lap with a full thermal tyre model. Contact us if you would like details.