Canopy Newsletter 19 - August 2024

August 2024

Max Speed Profile in Dynamic Lap

A feature request we implemented is a vCar speed limit in Dynamic Lap based on distance (sLapCentreLine). This enables speed control using either a lookup or staged Telemetry, unlocking numerous possibilities. For instance, it could replace Channel Inference for analysing pure balance changes. Imagine examining a device that alters the balance from low to high speed (like aero, mechanical, or camber) and wanting to align the balance with the baseline in a particular corner. You could apply these changes in Dynamic Lap but that would result in two distinct effects: a balance change and a speed change. It might be beneficial to isolate the impact of a setup change on the driver's perception by maintaining a constant speed and focusing solely on the balance change (rAeroBalBodyF Delta, rLatBalF Delta, aCamber Delta, etc.).

  1. Execute a Dynamic Lap on a predetermined racing line by removing the track edges under 'Properties'. This prevents the Dynamic Lap from altering the racing line to take advantage of the vCarLimit, ensuring that sLapCentreLine equals sLap.

  2. Stage this Dynamic Lap as Telemetry.

  3. Select car.control.vCarLimits: from Telemetry.

  4. Slightly raise the grip level to enable all cars to reach the vCarLimit, with the caveat that the car is no longer at its limit.

  5. Perform a Dynamic Lap with a baseline car setup.

  6. Alter the setup and run another Dynamic Lap.

Now, the balance of the new setup can be compared to the baseline, with both cars adhering to an identical racing line and speed. This could be an alternative to Channel Inference, which adheres to a predefined vCar-gLat-gLong trajectory using Quasi-statics. By maintaining a constant speed and racing line, we are solving a similar problem, yet leveraging the full modelling benefits of Dynamic Lap.


Defining electric deployment and harvest motor power limits has been possible for a while (under motor limits), and now the same can be applied to the side shaft output. For an ICE only car, this means that power can be controlled as a function of lap distance. For a hybrid car the sum of electric + ICE can be controlled to investigate different on-track deployment strategies. This can be used in addition to the existing electric power limits.


If you've ever needed a contingency for unexpectedly rapid brake wear or sought to mitigate the effects of brake heat on your wheels and tires, the new brake saving feature may provide a solution. It offers two modes: a straightforward EBrakeWear Limit for the front and/or rear axle or individual corners. For a more detailed approach, brake wear can be calculated as a function of TBrake, pBrake, nWheel, and EBrakeWear.

Simulation Development Update: Quality over Quantity

Our development team is growing! We’re focusing on enhancing software quality and stability, which means you might see a temporary slowdown in new feature releases. But rest assured, these improvements will lead to a more robust and reliable simulation experience.

fast/slow ring

We're enhancing our release process by introducing a new structure. Select releases will be designated as "slow ring," undergoing extensive in-house testing for greater stability and reliability. These are perfect for those who value consistent performance over the newest features. Each "slow ring" release will come with comprehensive release notes detailing updates, improvements, and any known issues with potential workarounds. This will aid in understanding version differences and deciding when to upgrade your software. To maintain access to cutting edge features, the existing auto-update feature will continue. More details on this process will be shared in due course.

feature pipeline

In addition to our focus on stability, we're also expanding our software's functionality with new features. Our development roadmap for the forthcoming weeks encompasses the following items:

  • Enhanced control over motor on-throttle harvesting behaviour on hybrid ICE cars, including allowing on-throttle harvesting of front motors, and de-rates while in “Max Regen” BBW mode. 

  • More options for controlling motor harvest strategies, including additional inputs for harvest maps. 

  • Looking ahead to future generations of Formula E cars, there will be more options for motor deployment controls.

Finally, our upcoming major feature developments, set to launch in early 2025, will expand to include additional car topologies: four-wheel drive with an internal combustion engine (ICE) featuring a centre differential, and range-extender ICE options for series hybrids.

In addition we are working on a number of consulting projects and private developments so if there is a feature you would like to prioritise then get in touch with a specification.

ux improvements

Furthermore, we are dedicated to enhancing the overall user experience on our platform, simplifying navigation and utilization of our software. Our goal is to provide:

Enhanced pre-processing and visualization options for results, car settings, and track options.

More control over error handling and simulation “retry” features for failed studies.

Richer options in UserMaths with the ability to evaluate internal lookups such as harvest maps, spring curves.


A number of new DiL features have been added:

  • Added an option to reset the integral of tyre wear.

  • Live overrides of flap angles, roll bar stiffnesses, drag offset, engine power factor.

  • New binaries for the standard DiL to enable compilation in different scenarios.

  • More extensive testing of DiL binaries before deployment, including closed-loop manoeuvre testing.

did you know...

  • Kinematics lookup tables have been introduced as "User defined hub lookups". Previously it was possible to use Abstract set of mechanical advantages to define the hub x, y, z, camber, caster, steer trajectory as a quadratic function of aRocker and xRack. Now each hub degree of freedom can be provided as a 2D lookup of aRocker and xRack.

  • SLS channels are available for dTLap_drPTyreWear, which is a handy way to visualise the most beneficial places to save tyres when an ETyreWearLimit is imposed.

  • MRetardationEffective channel is live to reflect the fact that retardation may well not be achieved with brakes plus further signals for clarity in the electrical system.

  • Default Gen3 FE and Super GT vehicles have been introduced. They can be beneficial for troubleshooting as you can load your car components on them and use them as test mules.

  • Further WEC BOP options have been added.

We hope you enjoy these new features.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.

Your Canopy Team

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